Did Santa Anna Become President Again

President Antonio López de Santa Anna
Born February 21, 1794(1794-02-21,)
Xalapa, Veracruz
Died June 21, 1876 (anile 82)
Mexico City
Nationality Mexican
Predecessor Valentín Gómez Farías (1833, 1834, 1839)
Francisco Javier Echeverría (1841)
Nicolás Bravo (1843)
Valentín Canalizo (1844)
Valentín Gómez Farías (1847)
Manuel María Lombardini (1855)
Successor Valentín Gómez Farías (1833)
Miguel Barragán (1835)
Anastasio Bustamante (1839)
Nicolás Bravo (1842)
Valentín Canalizo (1843)
José Joaquín de Herrera (1844)
Pedro María Anaya (1847)
Martín Carrera (1855)
Political party Liberal, Conservador
Spouse(s) Inés García
Ma. Dolores de Tosta

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (February 21, 1794 – June 21, 1876), also known simply as Santa Anna, was a Mexican political leader who greatly influenced early Mexican and Castilian politics and authorities, offset fighting confronting independence from Spain, and then becoming its chief general and president at various times over a turbulent forty-yr career. He was President of Mexico eleven non-consecutive times over a period of 22 years. Unfortunately, he started a tradition of ane man dominating the political scene that men such as Porfirio Díaz and others would continue, and of dictatorial rule, that disadvantaged the evolution of genuine participatory democracy in Mexico.

He played a critical office in gaining political independence for United mexican states. However, rule from Spain was replaced by rule past an wealthy elite while the bulk of Mexicans, and especially indigenous people, owned a tiny percentage of the country. He was more interested in his self-paradigm than in the welfare of his people. There does not appear to have been a shared vision well-nigh how the independent nation would structure itself, or what its social vision would be. Independence in and of itself has ofttimes been coveted with the expectation that one time accomplished, life will automatically become better and problems—of which the colonial oppressors were the cause—would resolve themselves. The Mexican feel suggests the importance of a shared social vision, and of promoting contend and discussion about this if whatever state is to cohere into a truly cooperative venture that seeks to work for the mutual adept, not just for the do good of an elite few.

Early on years

Santa Anna was built-in in Xalapa, Veracruz, on February 21, 1794, the son of Antonio López de Santa Anna and Manuela Pérez de Lebrón. His family belonged to the criollo middle class, and his begetter served at one time as a subdelegate for the Castilian province of Veracruz. Later a limited schooling, the young Santa Anna worked for a merchant of Veracruz. In June 1810, he was appointed a cadet in the Fijo de Vera Cruz infantry regiment nether the command of José Joaquín de Arredondo. Santa Anna spent the adjacent years battling insurgents and policing the Indian tribes of the internal provinces (political divisions of Mexico). Like most criollo officers in the Royalist regular army, he remained loyal to Spain for a number of years and fought confronting the motility for Mexican independence.

Personal life

Santa Anna married Inés García and fathered 5 children. She died in 1844. After a month of mourning, the 50 yr quondam Santa Anna married 15 yr former María Dolores de Tosta and fathered several more children by her. Santa Anna is rumored to have midweek the very young Melchora Barrera during his occupation of San Antonio de Béjar in 1836. He sent her back to Mexico Urban center, where he provided for her and their kid.

Military machine career

In 1810, the same yr that Mexico declared its independence from Spain, the sixteen-year-old joined the colonial Spanish Army under commanding officeholder José Joaquín de Arredondo, who taught him much well-nigh dealing with Mexican nationalist rebels. In 1811, Santa Anna was wounded in the arm by a Chichimec pointer while on a campaign confronting northern Indian tribes. In 1813, he served in Texas against the Gutiérrez/Magee Expedition, and at the Battle of Medina he was cited for bravery. In the aftermath of the rebellion the immature officer witnessed Arredondo's fierce counter-insurgency policy of mass executions, and historians accept speculated that Santa Anna modeled his policy and deport in the Texas Revolution on his experience under Arredondo.

During the next few years, in which the war for independence reached a stalemate, Santa Anna erected villages for displaced citizens about Veracruz. He also pursued gambling, a vice that would follow him all through his life.

In 1821, Santa Anna switched sides and alleged his loyalty to insurgent leader "El Libertador:" The future Emperor of Mexico, Agustín de Iturbide. He rose to prominence by quickly driving the Spanish forces out of the vital port urban center of Veracruz in 1821.[ane] After Santa Anna declared his loyalty to the Emperor, Iturbide rewarded him with the rank of general, yet in 1823, Santa Anna was among the armed services leaders supporting the Plan de Casa Mata to overthrow Iturbide and declare United mexican states a Republic. Afterward, Santa Anna would play important roles in replacing presidents Manuel Gómez Pedraza and Vicente Guerrero. By 1824, Santa Anna was appointed governor of the land of Yucatán. On his own initiative, Santa Anna prepared to invade Cuba, which remained under Spanish rule, but he possessed neither the funds nor sufficient support for such an adventure.

In 1829, Spain made its concluding try to retake United mexican states in Tampico with an invading force of 2,600 soldiers. Santa Anna marched against the Barradas Expedition with a much smaller force and defeated the Spaniards, many of whom were suffering from xanthous fever. Santa Anna was declared a hero, which he relished, and from so on, he styled himself "The Victor of Tampico" and "The Savior of the Motherland."


Santa Anna alleged himself retired, "unless my state needs me." He decided he was needed when Anastasio Bustamante led a coup, overthrowing and killing President Vicente Guerrero. Santa Anna was elected president in 1833. At first, he had little involvement in actually running the country, giving a free hand to his vice-president Valentín Gómez Farías, a liberal reformer.

Gómez Farías worked hard to root out corruption, which stepped on some powerful toes amid the war machine, wealthy landowners, and the Catholic Church building. When these voiced their displeasure, Santa Anna dismissed Farías, declared the Constitution suspended, disbanded the Congress, and worked to concentrate power in the central regime. This was applauded by some conservatives, merely met with considerable disapproval from other sectors.

Several states went into open up rebellion: Present-24-hour interval Texas (which was role of the state of Coahuila and Texas), San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Yucatán, Jalisco and Zacatecas. Of these states, only the Texas portion of the state of Coahuila and Texas voted to formally separate from the Mexican confederation. The other states expressed a desire to render to the 1824 constitution, not to form their ain countries.

The Zacatecan militia, the largest and best supplied of the Mexican states, led past Francisco Garcia, was well armed with .753 caliber British "Brown Bess" muskets and Baker .61 rifles. After two hours of combat, on May 12, 1835, the "Army of Operations" defeated the Zacatecan militia and took nigh 3,000 prisoners. Santa Anna immune his army to ransack the city for forty-eight hours. He planned to put down the rebellion beginning in Zacatecas before moving on to Coahuila y Tejas.

Past this fourth dimension, Santa Anna had relinquished the presidency four times. When the drums of war beat, he appointed a successor, and went off into boxing. Nonetheless, as he marched north into Texas, it was best-selling that Santa Anna was indeed the ruler of Mexico.


Similar other states discontented with the central Mexican potency, the Texas section of the Mexican land of Coahuila y Tejas went into rebellion in late 1835, and declared itself independent on March 2, 1836. (office of the Texas Revolution and Republic of Texas.) Santa Anna marched north to bring Texas back under Mexican control. Santa Anna's forces killed 187-250 Texan defenders at the Battle of the Alamo (February 23-March six, 1836) and executed 342 Texan prisoners at the Goliad massacre (March 27, 1836).

Santa Anna was soundly defeated a few weeks after the Goliad massacre by Sam Houston's soldiers at the Battle of San Jacinto (April 21, 1836), with the Texan army shouting "Retrieve Goliad, Remember the Alamo!" A small ring of Texas forces captured Santa Anna the day after the battle, on Apr 22.

Acting Texas president David Chiliad. Burnet and Santa Anna signed the Treaties of Velasco "in his official character every bit chief of the Mexican nation, he acknowledged the total, unabridged, and perfect Independence of the Republic of Texas." In substitution, Burnet and the Texas regime guaranteed Santa Anna's life and transport to Veracruz. Before Santa Anna could leave Texas, 200 angry volunteer soldiers from the United States threatened to remove him from his gunkhole and kill him equally it was leaving the port of Velasco. Back in Mexico City, a new regime declared that Santa Anna was no longer president and the treaty was thus zip and void.

While captive in Texas, Joel Roberts Poinsett—U.S. government minister to United mexican states in 1824—offered a harsh assessment of General Santa Anna's situation, stating: "Say to General Santa Anna that when I remember how ardent an abet he was of freedom ten years ago, I have no sympathy for him now, that he has gotten what he deserves."

To this bulletin, Santa Anna made the answer:

Say to Mr. Poinsett that information technology is very true that I threw upward my cap for liberty with dandy ardor, and perfect sincerity, but very soon found the folly of information technology. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for freedom. They do non know what it is, unenlightened as they are, and under the influence of a Catholic clergy, a despotism is the proper government for them, only there is no reason why it should not be a wise and virtuous i.[2]

Redemption, dictatorship, and exile

Subsequently some time in exile in the United states, and after meeting with U.S. president Andrew Jackson in 1837, he was allowed to return to Mexico aboard the USS Pioneer to retire to his magnificent hacienda in Veracruz, called Manga de Clavo.

In 1838, Santa Anna discovered a take chances to redeem himself from his Texas losses, when French forces landed in Veracruz, Mexico in the Pastry State of war, a short conflict which began afterward Mexico rejected French demands for fiscal recompense for losses suffered by some French citizens. The Mexican government gave Santa Anna control of the ground forces and ordered him to defend the nation by whatever means necessary. He engaged the French at Veracruz and, equally the Mexican resistance retreated after a failed attack, Santa Anna was hit in the leg and paw by cannon burn down. His ankle was shattered and this resulted in the amputation of his leg, which he ordered buried with full war machine honors. (Santa Anna famously used a cork leg afterward the amputation, simply information technology was captured and kept by American troops during the Mexican-American War.) Despite United mexican states's capitulation to French demands, Santa Anna was able to use his wound to re-enter Mexican politics as a hero.

Presently after, Santa Anna was once again asked to take control of the provisional government every bit Anastasio Bustamante's presidency turned chaotic. Santa Anna accepted and became president for the 5th time. Santa Anna took over a nation with an empty treasury. The state of war with France had weakened Mexico, and the people were discontented. Also, a rebel ground forces led by Generals Jose Urrea and José Antonio Mexía was marching towards the Capital, at war against Santa Anna. The rebellion was crushed in Puebla, by an army allowable by the president himself.

Santa Anna'south rule was fifty-fifty more dictatorial than his first administration. Anti-Santanista newspapers were banned and dissidents jailed. In 1842, a military trek into Texas was renewed, with no gain but to further persuade the Texans of the benefits of American annexation.

His demands for e'er greater taxes angry ire, and several Mexican states simply stopped dealing with the fundamental regime, Yucatán and Laredo going then far as to declare themselves independent republics. With resentment ever growing against the president, Santa Anna once again stepped down from power. Fearing for his life, Santa Anna tried to elude capture, only in Jan 1845, he was apprehended by a group of Indians most Xico, Veracruz, turned over to authorities, and imprisoned. His life was spared, but the dictator was exiled to Cuba.

Mexican-American War

In 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico. Santa Anna wrote to Mexico Urban center saying he no longer had aspirations to the presidency, but would eagerly use his war machine experience to fight off the strange invasion of Mexico as he had in the past. President Valentín Gómez Farías was drastic enough to accept the offer and immune Santa Anna to return. Meanwhile, Santa Anna had secretly been dealing with representatives of the United States, pledging that if he were allowed back in Mexico through the U.S. naval blockades, he would work to sell all contested territory to the United States at a reasonable price. Once back in Mexico at the head of an army, Santa Anna reneged on both of these agreements. Santa Anna declared himself president once more and unsuccessfully tried to fight off the United states invasion. (However, his actions did inspire the Sea chanty, "Santianna.")

In 1851, Santa Anna went into exile in Kingston, Jamaica, and ii years later, moved to Turbaco, Colombia. In April 1853, he was invited back by rebellious conservatives, with whom he succeeded in retaking the government. This reign was no meliorate than his earlier ones. He funneled government funds to his ain pockets, sold more territory to the Us (the Gadsden Buy), and alleged himself dictator for life with the title "Near Serene Highness." The Ayutla Rebellion of 1854 one time again removed Santa Anna from power.

Despite his generous payoffs to the military for loyalty, past 1855, even his conservative allies had had enough of Santa Anna. That twelvemonth a grouping of liberals led by Benito Juárez and Ignacio Comonfort overthrew Santa Anna, and he fled back to Republic of cuba. Every bit the extent of his corruption became known, he was tried in absentia for treason and all his estates confiscated. He then lived in exile in Cuba, the The states, Colombia, and St. Thomas. During his fourth dimension in New York City, he is credited as bringing the first shipments of chicle, the base of chewing gum, to the Usa, merely he failed to turn a profit from this, since his plan was to use the chicle to supplant rubber in railroad vehicle tires, which was tried without success. The American assigned to aid Santa Anna while he was in the United States, Thomas Adams, conducted experiments with the chicle and called information technology "Chiclets," which helped plant the chewing gum industry. Santa Anna was a passionate fan of the sport of cockfighting. He would invite breeders from all over the world for matches and is known to have spent tens of thousands of dollars on prize roosters.

In 1874, he took reward of a general immunity and returned to Mexico. Santa Anna died in Mexico Metropolis two years after, on June 21, 1876, penniless and heartbroken. Crippled and near bullheaded from cataracts, he was ignored by the Mexican government when the ceremony of the Battle of Churubusco occurred.


Santa Anna held the office 11 times:

  • May 16, 1833-June 3, 1833
  • June 18, 1833-July five, 1833
  • Oct 27, 1833-December xv, 1833
  • April 24, 1834-January 27, 1835
  • March 20, 1839-July 10, 1839
  • October ten, 1841-Oct 26, 1842
  • March four, 1843-October 4, 1843
  • June 4, 1844-September 12, 1844
  • March 21, 1847-Apr ii, 1847
  • May 20, 1847-September fifteen, 1847
  • April twenty, 1853-August 9, 1855

In popular civilization

Santa Anna is mentioned several times in the picture, The Mask of Zorro. He appears in a scene that was deleted from the theatrical release, portrayed by Joaquim de Almeida.

Santa Anna was one of the main characters in the 2004 pic, The Alamo, portrayed past Emilio Echevarría.

Santa Anna was also mentioned in a Male monarch of the Hill episode called "The Terminal Shinsult," in which Hank Loma's male parent Cotton Hill steals the wooden leg of Santa Anna every bit information technology makes its way dorsum to Mexico in exchange for a driver'southward license.


Santa Anna was a devoted collector of Napoleonic artifacts, and also considered himself the "Napoleon of the West." His nickname, though, was "The Eagle." While it is understood that Santa Anna considered himself "Napoleon of the West," he did so only afterwards the Texas Telegraph and Register referred to him as such. He took great pride in what he saw as his paradigm as a soldier, and developed a persona of a statesman and full general of groovy stature.

Legend has information technology that his lack of preparations or even defensive measures prior to the Battle of San Jacinto were due to his being entertained past Emily Morgan, a mulatto girl, in his tent. It gave rise to the song "The Yellow Rose of Texas." In that location is however, no historical proof that his meeting with Emily Morgan ever occurred.

In 1897, Santa Anna'south grandson by his second wedlock, Santa Anna III (1881–1965), entered the Jesuit order.


  1. John Anthony Caruso, The Liberators of Mexico (Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1967), 212.
  2. Clarence Ray Wharton, El Presidente: A Scetch of the Life of Santa Anna (Austin TX: Gammel'south Book Store, 1926).


ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Anderson, Fred, and Andrew Cayton. The Rule of War: Empire and Liberty in Due north America: 1500-2000. New York: Penguin, 2005. ISBN 0143036513
  • Borroel, Roger. The Texas Revolution of 1836: A Curtailed Historical Perspective Based on Original Sources. San Antonio: La Villita Publications, 2002. ISBN 1-928792-09-X
  • Caruso, John Anthony. The Liberators of Mexico. Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1967.
  • Jackson, Jack and John Wheat. Almonte's Texas: Juan North. Almonte'southward 1834 Inspection, Secret Report, & Role in the 1836 Campaign. Austin: Texas State Historical Assoc., 2003. ISBN 0876112076
  • Roberts, Randy and James S. Olson. A Line in the Sand: The Alamo in Blood and Memory. New York: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 2002. ISBN 0743212339
  • Santa Anna, Antonio and Ann F. Crawford. The Eagle: The Autobiography of Santa Anna. Abilene, Texas: State Business firm Press. ISBN 0938349295
  • Santoni, Pedro. Mexicans at Arms: Puro Federalist and the Politics of War, 1845-1848. Fort Worth: TCU Press, 1996. ISBN 0875651585
  • Villalpando César, José Manuel. Las balas del invasor: La expansion territorial de los Estados Unidos a costa de United mexican states. Miguel Angel Porruas. ISBN 9688427357
  • Wharton, Clarence Ray. El Presidente: A Scetch of the Life of Santa Anna. Austin TX: Gammel'southward Book Store, 1926.

External links

All links retrieved October thirty, 2021.

  • Santa Anna Letters Portal to Texas History.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna The Handbook of Texas Online.
  • Sketch of Santa Anna from A pictorial history of Texas, from the earliest visits of European adventurers, to A.D. 1879.
Preceded past:
Valentín Gómez Farías
President of United mexican states
Succeeded by:
Miguel Barragán
Preceded by:
Anastasio Bustamante
Acting President of Mexico
Succeeded past:
Nicolás Bravo
Preceded past:
Francisco Javier Echeverría
Acting President of United mexican states
Succeeded by:
Nicolás Bravo
Preceded by:
Nicolás Bravo
Interim President of Mexico
Succeeded by:
Valentín Canalizo
Preceded by:
Valentín Canalizo
Acting President of Mexico
Succeeded by:
Valentín Canalizo
Preceded by:
Valentín Gómez Farías
Acting President of Mexico
Succeeded by:
Pedro María Anaya
Preceded by:
Manuel María Lombardini
Interim President of Mexico
Succeeded by:
Martín Carrera


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Source: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Antonio_L%C3%B3pez_de_Santa_Anna

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